Monday, July 30, 2007

Back from the road

We are back after our very long journey. Approximately 5023 miles, which is a very long way to go. Although it was great to get away, I was very happy to finally pull into my driveway at 9:30 on Saturday night. Once I had my car headed toward home there was no stopping me, I was supposed to stop at brother Kenny's house, I just couldn't do it (sorry Kenny!). I hid out on Sunday and told no one that I was home. Here are some photo highlights of our trip.

Eldorado Canyon

Here I am looking at...

This....can you see the tiny climbers?

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Bye, Mom!

We are hitting the road after a fun week of visiting with family and friends. We had an awesome time and there will be more photos to follow. I will blog if I can but that remains to be seen. Thanks to Mom for letting us stay and everyone else for food and fun. Goodbye!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Evening in the Foothills

L and I went out for a walk after dinner. It was almost dusk when we started and the sky was threatening. It was windy and there were a few droplets of rain to keep us company,the air was cool and it was one of those walks were you just feel glad to be alive.

I will be happy for Mom when she sells her house but sad that we will not be able to visit her here.

Monday, July 16, 2007

What's doin' in Colorado?

Fun and interesting finds at Mom's house.

L says to call this "Very, very dangerous". Can you find him?

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Peeping Deer

I was getting dressed and glanced over to the window and jumped when I saw this beast outside my window! The deer in Maine are a bit more shy.

We have arrived in Colorado!

It started to seem like we were going forever but now we are finally here. The last 420 miles flew by and we were in town by 2:30pm. I am trying not to think about all the miles yet to go on the way home. Maybe I'll just stay here. Oh, I have added a bunch of photos taken along the way so look at my previous posts to see updates. I am having a lot of fun taking photos and will continue to post any good ones!

Here is a shot at almost 10:00pm outside our hotel in Nebraska, I couldn't believe it was still light out.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


These shots were taken off an exit in Nebraska.

Checkout the gas prices!

Peace Park has peaced-out.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


That's what we saw today and lots of it, also something my Mom called Milo. It is real pretty here, so different from Maine. I kept seeing these pathways thru the corn and I wanted to walk down them to see where they led but we have to push on. No stopping and exploring on this part of the journey. That's not to say it isn't interesting but we have our goals. Tomorrow is our last day of driving and then we will be in Denver. Everywhere we stop to eat L asks "Is this Applebee's?". Repeatedly. Tonight the answer was finally "yes" but I still told him "NO".
P.S. L says hello to everyone in Maine.

Monday, July 9, 2007

442 Miles

We are just outside of Iowa City, Iowa. We traveled a little late because there were no hotels to be found when we were ready to stop. It was worth the extra time driving because we found a really good hotel and the restaurant was amazing. There is NOTHING like good food, Ahhh...
When we arrived in Iowa Leif asked about the famous Iowa Potato. We had never heard that one! Mom had one for dinner though, and said it was good.
Oh and don't believe Mom when she says I needed to stop more than her, it is not true, you know how she is always making things up!
Onward tomorrow through the rest of Iowa and into the great state of Nebraska!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

402 Miles!

Here is a self-portrait of L's. We are taking pictures of him in every state this one is from Pennsylania (we know because his foot is in the pic). We were only in Penn. for a short while and so it is taken while driving. I kinda love it!
We reached our goal a little late today but we did reach it. We are outside of Toledo, OH. We had a little dinner and then swam in the outdoor pool then the indoor pool and then went in the hot tub. My Mom went to bed and then so did L and I am going as soon as I finish this! Onward in the AM. 400 more miles tomorrow!

Sewing Inspiration

We had planned to leave early this morning but I was given a tour of some of my Aunt Pat's quilting! She has been quilting for many years and has done some amazing work(picture's to follow). It made me want to finally learn how to quilt, and perhaps with some fabric from my Mom's collection, I will actually do it.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

On The Road

We finally left yesterday and arrived @ my sister's house in CT at about say 10:15PM. It was nice to see her and as always she listened to me blather on about something that was bugging me and then she gave me a tylenol PM and sent me to bed. Good sister! I actually slept well. Mom, L, & I left for Corning NY, and despite many pitstops arrived @ our destination by 5:00PM. Good visit with some relatives, including an Aunt I haven't seen in 21 years. She is now 95 and well I am not 20 anymore, needless to say we had both changed a bit!
L was really loving hanging out with the old folks until my cousin mentioned she had a pool and she lived about 3 minutes away. We headed over and he had a blast (pictures later on). I had a tasty glass of homemade wine that her boyfriend made and a nice visit with her catching up after 20+ years of not really talking to her much. It was pretty cool. I am off to bed, Mom wants to do 400 miles tomorrow and well with all the stops it could take a while.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Let's Go Already!!!!

Here is how L was helping to ready for our trip. What a helpful child!

Thursday, July 5, 2007


I have had the most frustrating time trying to get ready for my road trip to Colorado! I was trying to do the right thing and took my car to the shop. I was thinking that was a good thing, but this routine maintenance has caused great difficulty. I have to go back again in the morning-we shall see! I was supposed to leave today, hopefully I will leave tomorrow! My Mom is waiting patiently for her ride! My next post should be from The Road! Can you find the spare banana?

Wednesday, July 4, 2007


Enjoying our small but nice dinner outside on Independence Day. It was quiet for the most part until some neighbors started their very elaborate fireworks display which we viewed with some difficulty through our woods. L ran around catching fireflies and then PJ proudly brought out a dumpster find. Some flares for both day and night. He nearly burned off his retinas lighting the flares, man they were bright! Then he lit the daytime flare, it burned of this thick orange smoke which was viewed with a flashlight and made a laser light look like a light saber. Oh, and it smelled spectacularly awful. Good fun!